Our Lego loving lad has turned 6. My beautiful boy in love with Lego and learning, books, bikes and big adventures. I remember feeling sad last year at what five meant; all that independence of coming school days. But at six I can't believe quite how proud I am of the little man he is becoming. Confident and strong and ever so curious about his world and how it works. He has a quiet determination to be the best and yet is not boastful of his achievements. The best mate to his sister, the other pea in his pod, he is loyal with an innate sense of what is fair and honest and right. Our guy loves that he is older and able to do big boy things, like staying up late with his Mama on the lounge and reading in bed with his light on until he falls asleep, a book across his sleeping face.
Happy Birthday my boy. My your year be full of love and adventures.
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