Our ginger bread making this year was a two day event. This Mumma has hurt herself pretty bad and I am functioning from the lounge with my foot up high. At times, not quite elevated enough for my husband who is is carefully measuring the distance of my foot above my heart, but high enough to still be the Christmas angel to my little guys who are just so excited about Christmas this year.
So Day 7 was the dough making with all ingredients fetched by the littlies as I called out instructions of the what and whereabout of every item and implement we would need. The mixmaster was reluctantly bought out by Tools are after being guilted into it by the kids. He was not happy about the whole making of gingerbread when his wife is playing invalid and he would be left with a floury, sugary, doughy mess to clean up after the kids and I were done. As you can imagine, I wasn't brave enough to ask for a photo.
Day 8 had us rolling and cutting and toing and froing to the oven. Luckily we had Dadda on side now as I had no idea how I would manage getting the hot trays out with crutches tucked under my arms.
A few snaps from the lounge where we wrapt and taped together 65 snowmen and stars for the kids to take to school as Christmas treats. On Day 9 there were little snowmen poking out of pockets for hungry tummies to eat with breakfast.
It's hard this year being incapacitated to keep up the usual Christmas activities. I know we will miss doing lots of things we have done in Advents past, but its only me that knows we have not been able to do them. And it's only temporary. The kids don't remember at this young age what we do from one year to the next. They are satisfied with a little chocolate and the anticipation of December 25 and the fun that it brings. This year I just need to let it go, do what we can manage and get myself back on my feet as quickly as possible.
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